Ok, I am writing this on a day when I got 5.5(out of 10) -2(for 5 minute late submission)-3.5(for something)-5(for something else)=-5/10 marks for lab notebook, when generally a minimum of 8 is expected even if you fill 4 pages with some random numbers(btw, I had written a total of 6 pages). But it's not my anger that's guiding my thoughts. This blog is not a part of my vendetta scheme( it's too sacred for me, I wouldn't tarnish it for such childish acts). This is my genuine attempt to understand and explain ''lunatic behavior of newly 'empowered' gentlemen or women", but the inspiration for this quest is one man( and he is not the instructor who marked me, he is too insignificant in my life to inspire a blog), to a less extent another. I will keep out the names as I don't want to make it personal.
So here are my hypothesis.
1- These gentlemen are born assholes.period.
This hypothesis is very tempting. It will have wide acceptability, and too a large extent explains almost everything they do. In Hindi, there are many idioms that perfectly describes them-'Bandar ke haath mein nariyal', 'Kutta ko ghee nahi pachta'(even Bandar respects the nariyal in his hand). These are just perfect description, one line and that's enough.
But for fairness, lets reject this hypothesis( everything that a man is born with is attributed to God, why blame God for man's assholic acts.)
2. Servant-type treatment in their houses by their better halves(any half they are not part of would be better, I suppose)
Women are best judge of a man's character. The women who marries them know them the best. So right from the very inception, they give these men the correct treatment at home, treating them like servants. Even their kids are kind of smarter than them(oh! poor kids, what disgusting comparison). Therefore the frustration has to come out somewhere. When in power(out of their house), they look for their redemption. Power is not an easy thing to handle, particularly after servant-like treatment at home. Leads to abuse.
I am not totally satisfied by this hypothesis, it's appealing though.
PS: I meant no offence to servants( I understand it's derogatory to get compared to these gentlemen). Servants are the most important people in a married women's life. My sincere tributes to them.
3. Man's quest for importance in life.
Every person craves importance, to be counted in society, to mean something to others. It's very natural, but not an easy achievement. When you get power, you achieve that or you don't. There is no gray zone. After leading a life of total insignificance, when life offers them a chance to make a difference in others life, they act, and they make a difference. To what effect, judge by this blog. Reason: virtually no understanding of power they command, and how to handle them(Hypothesis 1 just keeps coming back). If you have a whip in hand, it's not necessary meant for striking. Respect is earned, not asked for.
Lets be fair to them, they have added responsibility, they have a duty to perform, and a lot of us are bad at performing our duties.It's very common. But the problem is a misplaced sense of duty and responsibility, interfering in areas in which they have no jurisdiction( when a lot of our parents have let us on our own, it's even harder to accept).
So here are my hypothesis, I strongly support 3 with 1 having a good supporting role, and 2 describing the residual effects.
I reiterate what I said at the beginning. My hypothesis are not a result of some childish rant, but as a result of some thoughtful discussion(within self, and with others). To my lab instructor, thank you for registering 0 instead of -5 marks(see, I am so graceful even in adversity). And a request-Dude, get a life!